we are

Connect Families to Agriculture 

Grow Fresh Food for Our Community

our mission

Grow stronger Communities

A Self Serve Retail Experience

We stock what is ripe and in season. We pick and restock daily!

One way we keep prices low is through honor system marketing. You wont find a cashier at the farm stands. We feel that if our customers trust us to grow food for their family, we can trust them to pay appropriately.

A pay box is located at each of our stands. Look for a bright blue box and red pull handle. Customers can deposit cash, check, and Farm Nutrition Coupons directly into the box. They may also pay using our code with the Venmo app.

You can always call or stop by our main office if you need assistance!
We are open Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm   
503-651-3302   32300 S Dryland Rd Molalla, OR 97038

self serve
produce stands


Late spring through fall, you can find an abundance of local, farm fresh produce on our self-serve roadside stands.



community centered events

We love any excuse to have a good time. Join us on the farm for interactive opportunities for the whole family! 



 Are you interested in stocking Willamette Valley Melon produce at your location?

Melons and Pumpkins are available wholesale.  

Learn more

Watermelon festival


Find the farm stand closest to you

Visit our home base for the largest variety, or check out one of our other locations.
Restocked Daily!

Find a Stand

blog: farming adventures

the bee's knees

Where do baby melons come from? It's not the stork but it is thanks to another busy winged critter. Honey bees produce a delicious treat we all love to eat, but the other result of their hard work is pollination - spreading the pollen from flower to flower. 

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rEAL TALK ABOUT our FARMING adventures

the melons are late

The calls and posts are rolling, "When will there be melons!" It's a little embarrassing to admit, but our melons are late. Read more to find out why!

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the bee's knees

Where do baby melons come from? It's not the stork. It is thanks to another busy winged critter. Read more to learn about our busiest workers. 

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